Friends, classmates, and peers regularly ask how I acquire my clients. I've developed a loose marketing guideline that has worked for me. Below is a working document to start with... this is constantly evolving. I appreciate any feedback and ask that you share your thoughts and/or suggestions.
Marketing is a management process that focuses on strategy, processes, positioning and tactile elements of a product or service. The marketing guideline allows me to stay focused on whom to contact and how often, recognize opportunities and measure results.
1. Determine Budget
• ie. Revenue: $500,000 = $25K to $50K budget/ year
2. Determine Position
Are you specialized in a vertical or horizontal market?
• Vertical: by industry (only action sports industry)
• Horizontal: by skill set (only corporate identity design)
3. Determine Target
Pre-qualify your leads with the following questions
• Do they outsource?
• What type of projects?
• How much do they spend per season or year?
• How soon do they expect a need for your services?
• Vertical: by industry (only action sports industry)
• Horizontal: by skill set (only corporate identity design)
3. Determine Target
Pre-qualify your leads with the following questions
• Do they outsource?
• What type of projects?
• How much do they spend per season or year?
• How soon do they expect a need for your services?
Joven's Taboos (Try to avoid clients that are...)
• Spending their own money
• Smaller than your company
• Not in your industry or skill set
• Have no outsourcing experience
• Doesn't understand your company must profit
4. Determine Fit
Where are they in the buying stage?
• Spending their own money
• Smaller than your company
• Not in your industry or skill set
• Have no outsourcing experience
• Doesn't understand your company must profit
4. Determine Fit
Where are they in the buying stage?
Star System (determine how often to touch base and how much to spend)
• 3 star: Aware of you & have a need LESS THAN 6 months
– Touch base at least every other month or more frequent
– Receives the more elaborate promotions
• 2 star: Aware of you & have a need MORE THAN 6 months
– Touch base at least every quarter
– Receives the less expensive promotions
• 1 star: Unaware of you
– Touch base once a year
5. Determine Vehicles
There are core vehicles essential to market your company
• Cold/warm calls: most successful (plan 1 day a week to call)
• Networking: cheap and effective
• Corporate Brochure: discuss process, customer service (doubles as a sales tool)
• Website: determine if site is a closer (used to confirm the sale) or opener (used to open the conversation). Keep it simple.
• Mailers: (Promotion or E-Newsletter)
– Promotional (postcard, poster, mailer, etc.) Remember to budget printing & postage
– E-Newsletter: content is king, be compelling, do it right, and don't get on spam list
• Press Releases: cheap, great exposure and helps with natural search
• Add others: events, speaking gigs, networking, contests, etc.
6. Determine Monthly Budget
Take budget and spread throughout calendar year
• You should be touching base with your leads every month or so
• 3 star: Aware of you & have a need LESS THAN 6 months
– Touch base at least every other month or more frequent
– Receives the more elaborate promotions
• 2 star: Aware of you & have a need MORE THAN 6 months
– Touch base at least every quarter
– Receives the less expensive promotions
• 1 star: Unaware of you
– Touch base once a year
– Receives the less expensive promotions
5. Determine Vehicles
There are core vehicles essential to market your company
• Cold/warm calls: most successful (plan 1 day a week to call)
• Networking: cheap and effective
• Corporate Brochure: discuss process, customer service (doubles as a sales tool)
• Website: determine if site is a closer (used to confirm the sale) or opener (used to open the conversation). Keep it simple.
• Mailers: (Promotion or E-Newsletter)
– Promotional (postcard, poster, mailer, etc.) Remember to budget printing & postage
– E-Newsletter: content is king, be compelling, do it right, and don't get on spam list
• Press Releases: cheap, great exposure and helps with natural search
• Add others: events, speaking gigs, networking, contests, etc.
6. Determine Monthly Budget
Take budget and spread throughout calendar year
• You should be touching base with your leads every month or so
– $25K = est. $2K/month
– $50K = est. $4/K/month
– $50K = est. $4/K/month
7. Determine Plan of Action with Calendar
See Example: spaces have been filled with goals or what's slated for that month (ie. goal: send 40 books)
– Your Plan will be customized to your own goals and promotions
– Create a separate blank calendar and write in what happened at the end of each month
– Remember to consider everything like postage, networking fees, etc.
– Remember you don't have to touch base with 2 & 1 stars that often
– Spend more some months on a promo and send to ONLY 3 Stars
It generally averages a few years to land a large client. The main goal of the marketing guideline is to stay consistent and branded so you stay “top of mind” with your potential clients and existing clients.
Again, I appreciate any suggestions and/or feedback on the marketing guideline. Other topics I'm working on is the freelancers’ transition to a firm, client base management and proposals. Please advise if you want me to write on other topics.
thanks for sharing. this is pretty enlightening. i think a lot of us designers do one aspect of this, more or less, but having a comprehensive system of business development demystifies the process for right-brained folks.
very insightful.
i especially like your taboos section.
i think many small agencies/organizations can benefit just by following those simple rules.
good job.
awesome joven. really well thought out and it shows how/why you have been successfull for so long. crazy and a nutjob too...but thats just you.
Great sharing, very insightful and a bit overwhelming. I love your complete plan seems almost like a full time job.
I think the thing I want to share most is really evaluate your target audience. Especially when networking. There is networking for fun, then there is networking for profit.
Really spend some time to see what you want your end result to be when creating a plan - Then actually follow it.
I think this is great and explains how you end up with some really interesting and great customers. If I could offer sales advice, I would also add that you should be open to firing certain customers that you may have thought had some potential but later come to find out that they fit one of the taboos more than you originally thought. Joven Orozco Designs is one of those that you want to keep in touch with at least once a month, in one form or another. As a commercial printer, I get to work with some really creative minds, and Joven (and team) have some of the most creative and attention grabbing pieces that I have seen. Keep up the great work!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post this info. I like the way you broke down into numbers. It's SOO helpful. I love the idea of pre-qualifing....I'll have to remember that!
Lots of helpful info for me. Great work! I look forward to your future posts!
Cool stuff! I'm surprised that all you mentioned as far as online marketing is a website. Maybe because I work for an internet marketing company ;)
Like, what about social media, seo, paid links etc?
I did find most of this helpful though - very nice!
BTW, I came across a typo in the chart:
"Semd out 10/wk
I'm glad I'm not the only ome that makes mistaks
Well done! Love this. You should get on Twitter and share this.
Gina - Although it seems like a full time job its not. It just requires some commitment and scheduling. What I do is devote one day per week for biz dev and schedule follow ups and appointments throughout the week.
Austin - Typos are welcomed! most times people don't want to do something until it's perfect... the goal is to do it and adjust... some of the best lessons come from mistakes!
Jim - Thanks... Are you talking about us... Are we fired? Kidding. We appreciate your understanding of our commitment to produce great pieces.
Thanks for everyone else for the props!
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